Post-doctoral fellowship
Leukocyte chemoattractant factors in angiogenesis and cancer
The Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (IRIBHM) is a large biomedical research department of University of Brussels Medical School (ULB), with state of the art facilities and groups active in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, development, cancer, neuroscience and bioinformatics. A strong expertise has been established in the field of G protein-coupled receptors, particularly the functional characterization of novel receptors.
The IRIBHM recruits two Post-doctoral fellows for studying the role of leukocyte chemoattractant molecules (i.e. chemerin) and their receptors in the control of tumor progression and angiogenesis. This will involve the use of established and new models of carcinogenesis, receptor and ligand gene inactivation, and conditional expression of chemoattractant molecules in specific cell populations.
Candidate profile: We are looking for PhD-holder candidates with significant theoretical and practical background in molecular and cell biology, genetics and imaging techniques. Experience in the GPCR field, mouse models, and/or angiogenesis would be an advantage. The candidate should have excellent independent organizational skills as well as strong collaborative abilities. Only transnational mobility applicants are eligible. A good level of written and spoken English is mandatory.
The fellowships can start anytime. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until position is filled.
Applications: Please obtain the application form here and send the filled form and the requested information as a pdf file to Marc Parmentier, E-mail: